Meet Jasmin

Jasmin is Deputy Headteacher at Oakmeadow CE Primary School and has been there for almost 10 years. Jasmin is passionate about driving school improvement looking at ‘what we teach’ and ‘how we teach’ so that children’s learning is prioritised, so they all meet their full potential. She is committed to ensuring the children get the education they deserve, and the staff get professional development. Jasmin has a real strength in thinking strategically where she is able to support and manage change in a well thought out and planned manner.

Jasmin has led the curriculum design at Oakmeadow CE Primary School and is dedicated to ensuring the as educators we aim to develop the whole person as this is essential for children to thrive.

Jasmine Taylor, Trustees | Marches Academy Trust

Education is not just about giving lots of information to children and young people but ensuring education is delivered in a way that all children, regardless of need, can understand and flourish to be whatever they want to be.

Jasmin Taylor, Holistic

About Jasmine

Jasmin is a NCETM maths specialist and has supported schools across Shropshire, Telford and Wolverhampton to develop pedagogical approaches and content knowledge for ‘Teaching for Mastery’ approach since 2016. Jasmin is a PD accredited lead and supports with school improvement across the Trust as Assistant Education Improvement Director.

Jasmin specialises in Primary education and supports school with curriculum design, assessment and data, pedagogical approaches, reading for meaning and phonics, EYFS principles, writing curriculum & moderation, and teacher professional development.

Other team members

Charlotte Allsopp | Marches Academy Trust
Nicola Fox | Marches Academy Trust
Claire Turner, Team Members | Marches Academy Trust
Cavelle Priestley-Bird, Team Members | Marches Academy Trust
Sarah Finch, Team Members | Marches Academy Trust

Mandy Jones

Executive Director of Education (School Improvement)

Amy Chevin-Dooley

Executive Director of Education (Inclusions and LEAD for Safeguarding and SEND)

Charlotte Allsopp

Executive Director of Finance and Business

Claire Turner

Senior Executive Director of Education

Alison Pearson

Executive Director of Education

Cavelle Priestley-Bird

Executive Director of People and Development