We are very proud to announce some fantastic results demonstrating the achievements of all of our pupils at Lower Heath CE Primary School during this past academic year. 85% of our reception children achieved a ‘Good Level of Development’ – this is the measure used to assess whether children leave Early Years at the expected standard. This is well above the national average of 2018 (72% – 2019 national data is not yet available). 92% of our Year 1 children have passed their phonics screener this year. Again, this is above last year’s national average of 82%. Our Year 2 cohort have achieved the best End of Key Stage 1 data in recent years, and yet again beat national averages, with 87.5% of children reaching the expected standard or better in reading, writing and maths.

Last but not least, this week we received some incredible SATs results for our Year 6 pupils. In the reading test, the maths test and the GPS (spelling, punctuation & grammar) test, 86% of our pupils achieved the expected standard or better. This is well above the national averages. In addition to this, 93% of our Year 6 children achieved the expected standard or better in writing. This year, our writing assessments were subject to a routine moderation by the Local Authority and were confirmed to be entirely accurate, so we were very pleased with this news.

Well done to all children and staff for all of the hard work which has gone into achieving these super results, and thanks to the parents who have supported their children throughout the year.